Global Club Management and Leadership
ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2024 and after)
*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*
This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The Global Club Management and Leadership and elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.
This nationally and internationally recognized program in hospitality was established in recognition of the demand for industry executives with the kind of education tomorrow’s private club manager will need. The curriculum is designed so students not only learn the hospitality industry but they learn the specialized knowledge needed for the club management industry on a global scale. Graduates understand the basic functions, objectives, and tools of management that are common to all executive roles.
To be admitted to the Global Club Management and Leadership major, you must have completed at least 52 hours, have earned a “C minus" or better in the Admission Prerequisite Courses (MAC1105, HFT1000, CGS2100 or CGS2518 (preferred) and either ECO2013 or ECO2023) and have the required overall GPA of a 2.00 or higher.
Requirements for Progression to the Upper-Division Major:
Admission requires the following:
1) Completion of at least 52 semester hours;
2) A cumulative grade point average of at least a 2.00 on all course work attempted;
3) Satisfactory completion of all required prerequisite coursework; and
4) Successful completion of 1st & 2nd GE English and 1st & 2nd GE Math coursework.
Mapping Coordinator: Renee Dyehouse
Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term
Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs |
ENC 1101 Freshman Composition3 |
MAC 1105 College Algebra3 |
ECO2013 Macroeconomics OR ECO2023 Microeconomics3 |
GE History3 |
HFT1000 Introduction to Hospitality3 |
Required Milestones: Term 1 |
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs |
ENC 2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3 |
GE Natural Science3 |
GE Core Humanities/Cultural Practice or Ethics3 |
GE Elective3 |
GE Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 2 |
Complete ENC 2135 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete MAC1105 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs |
CGS2100 Microcomputer Applications OR CGS2518 Spreadsheets3 |
2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics3 |
SIP course3 |
Oral Communication Competency course3 |
GE Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 3 |
Complete 2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics course ( ≥ C minus ) |
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs |
GE Core Natural Science and Lab4 |
GE Humanities/Cultural Practice or Ethics3 |
Writing course3 |
GE Elective4 |
GE Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 4 |
Complete HFT1000 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete ECO2013 or ECO2023 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete CGS2100 or CGS2518 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs |
HFT 3806 Introduction to Food/Beverage Management3 |
HFT 3424 Hospitality Financial Analysis3 |
HFT 3100 Introduction to Global Club Management3 |
HFT 1350 Golf for Business and Life1 |
GE Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 5 |
Complete HFT3424 OR HFT3806 with a final grade of C minus or higher |
Civic Literacy requirement |
CMAA Student Membership Verification |
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs |
HFT 3431 Hospitality Managerial Accounting3 |
HFT 3101 Global Club Operations and Governance3 |
HFT or LEI Elective3 |
GE elective3 |
HFT 3941 Internship3 |
Required Milestones: Term 6 |
Complete BOTH HFT3424 and HFT3806 with a final grade of C minus or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs |
HFT 3104 Member Engagement & Events3 |
HFT 4502 Integrated Marketing for Hospitality3 |
HFT 3700 Tourism Management and the Environment3 |
GE elective3 |
GE elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 7 |
Complete a Pre-Graduation Check |
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs |
HFT 4224 Leadership and Ethics3 |
HFT 4802 Catering Management3 |
HFT or LEI Elective3 |
GE elective3 |
GE elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 8 |
Apply for Graduation in 1st two weeks |
Employment Information
1st Summer: It's recommended the 1st summer is spent gaining valuable hospitality work experience at a private club, , golf resort, club management organization or students can obtain an international study abroad experience.
2nd Summer: It's recommended to obtain a domestic internship at a private club or golf resort.
Final Summer: It is highly recommended that students obtain a domestic or international internship or complete a Study Abroad experience.
Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: General Manager, Food & Beverage Director, Banquet & Events Manager, Global Marketing Manager, Group Sales Manager, Membership Director, Recreation Director, Merchandise/Buyer Manager, Club Industry Data Analyst, Club Controller, Food and Beverage Manager, Health and Wellness Director, and Events Manager.
Representative Employers: Private Clubs, Yacht Clubs, Golf Clubs, Management Companies, Club Suppliers, Golf Apparel Companies, Media, Golf Financial Services, Real Estate and Development, International Resorts.
International Opportunities: Study Abroad and International internships are available for students majoring in Global Club Management and Leadership. Current internship programs are available in Ireland, England, Australia, New Zealand, Wales and Dubai. Interested students should contact Program Director Cynthia Johnson at .
This Map is not a contract, either expressed or implied, between the University and the student, but represents a flexible program of the current curriculum which may be altered from time to time to carry out the academic objectives of the University. The University specifically reserves the right to change, delete or add to any Map at any time within the student’s period of study at the University
View Global Club Management and Leadership Program Guide